Representation: The Token Diversity Post

Basically different-looking people from different places with different ways of thinking and acting.

To me, my X-Men!

I require you to illustrate a post talking about diversity in fiction!

While you’re at it, let’s get these ethnically diverse teenagers with ATTITUDE and colour-coordinated and questionably-assigned outfits!

And those OTHER ethnically diverse teenagers with ATTITUDE who command the powers of the elements!

…No, not Avatar: The Last Airbender, the OTHER group of kids who mash the elements together and create some weirdo with green hair and the powers of a god.

Continue reading “Representation: The Token Diversity Post”

Time Skips: The Future Is Now

And I’m back from my holidays! And as tends to happen, I could use a holiday from the holidays. Good thing my day to day life is already fairly restful, barring work popping up.

Now to get back to creating content for my adoring public!

…Alright, so maybe I don’t have an adoring public per se. EVEN SO! I thought it’d be good to commemorate my return from my month-long hiatus with a post about TIME SKIPS.

Continue reading “Time Skips: The Future Is Now”

Final Week Fables: The King of Cards

“Look, guys, let’s be real. Just throw some adventurers at the problem and I’m sure they’ll butcher whatever it is that’s threatening us and then wear it as a hat.”

Well, it’s that time of the month again! So what’s this month’s image?

Prince of Cards.jpg

Surprisingly, this is not an analogy for the Hong Kong protests and Blizzard’s bans. However, I DID decide to retire from Hearthstone because of those events. And that, in turn, made me think of writing based on a Hearthstone image.

And hey, I happened to have this image lying about, so why not?

Continue reading “Final Week Fables: The King of Cards”

Races: Talking About Species

HOW should one make a race? HOW should one play GOD?

Well, I’ve been pretty busy at work, but I’ve still got stuff to say!

And I am talking about species in fiction this time!

…What do you mean I’ve already done that?

FOOLS! If it means I can spare myself the trouble of coming up with a topic, I will TOTALLY retread old ground or cover a different angle of it!

Continue reading “Races: Talking About Species”

Final Week Fables: One’s Honour

Your kin are your blood. Your family is chosen.

Once again, I did about half the story over two days and the other half in one night. So what’s the image inspiring this week’s story?

They’ll serve all kinds here.

Ahh yes. Orcs. Well, then, let’s see what I’ve got!

Continue reading “Final Week Fables: One’s Honour”

Fabletop: The Amazing Racials

“Y’know what? I just wanna be a DRAGON PERSON”.

Ah yes, different sentient species. A feature of fiction featuring feelings, fears, and fantastic fighting.

Where “race” is not just a matter of the same dull humans growing up differently with different cultures, but wildly different and exotic creatures grow into civilisation like the rest of us. Unlike the real world, we are not alone as an intelligent species. And myth and stories certainly have no shortage of these different beings.

Humans, elves, dwarves.

Halflings, gnomes.

Half-elves, half-orcs.

Aasimar, tieflings, genasi.

Githyanki, githzerai.

…What? I’m not making those up! Those are real fictional species in D&D!

Continue reading “Fabletop: The Amazing Racials”

Final Week Fables: Oathsworn

“That we’re here means there’s still a duty to be done. And what’s a soldier’s duty? War.”

Well, I had a bunch of work this week and could only properly work on this story on the weekend. Also, it was Independence Day for Malaysia!

So what image am I using to commemorate this occasion?

Oathsworn Spirits.jpg
We’re getting paid for overtime, right?

Well, time to bring out your dead!

Continue reading “Final Week Fables: Oathsworn”

Suspension of Disbelief: Real In Your Expectations

ALL stories ask you to suspend your disbelief in SOME way, because ALL stories ask you to ACCEPT them.

What’s one of the most iconic phrases you can find in the world of writing and stories?

No, it’s not “check your privilege“. Or “deus ex machina”. Or “what a twist”. Or “NOOOOOOO NOT THE BEEEEEEEEEEEES”.

It’s “suspension of disbelief”! And it’s one of those “jargon phrases we won’t recognise when we hear it but we actually use it every day” kinds of phrases!

No, I have no data to back up how it’s iconic. You’re just going to have to suspend your disbelief and accept my premise.

Alright, you don’t actually have to accept my premise, but I’m still gonna talk about it!

Continue reading “Suspension of Disbelief: Real In Your Expectations”

Final Week Fables: Weregild

“What you might do, will do, or promise to do
are not the same as what you did.”

Got through a bunch of work that’s been streaming in steadily for the past week or so. And yet somehow, I got this done! So what’s this week’s image?

Much chains. Such wolf. Wow.


Continue reading “Final Week Fables: Weregild”

Fabletop Classes: Warlock & Role

What kind of person would sign a contract written by a guy like Asmodeus?

I call upon the flames of Asmodeus! The powers of the Nine Hells! The embers of my unbridled lust for UNLIMITED POWER! PURGE MY ENEMIES FROM THIS PLANE, FEL MAGIC! TREMBLE, MORTALS, AND DESPAIR! DOOM HAS COME TO THIS WORLD!

Hi, I’m your new party member. Let’s all get along, OK?

Continue reading “Fabletop Classes: Warlock & Role”