Suspension of Disbelief: Real In Your Expectations

ALL stories ask you to suspend your disbelief in SOME way, because ALL stories ask you to ACCEPT them.

What’s one of the most iconic phrases you can find in the world of writing and stories?

No, it’s not “check your privilege“. Or “deus ex machina”. Or “what a twist”. Or “NOOOOOOO NOT THE BEEEEEEEEEEEES”.

It’s “suspension of disbelief”! And it’s one of those “jargon phrases we won’t recognise when we hear it but we actually use it every day” kinds of phrases!

No, I have no data to back up how it’s iconic. You’re just going to have to suspend your disbelief and accept my premise.

Alright, you don’t actually have to accept my premise, but I’m still gonna talk about it!

Continue reading “Suspension of Disbelief: Real In Your Expectations”

Final Week Fables: Magic Is Friendship

“Friends shouldn’t sell each other out,” it said with pity and reproach, “figuratively OR literally.”

And welcome, readers, to the end of the month and the Final Week Fable! The time when I force myself to keep my writer’s muscles in practice by banging out a short story based on an image in my collection.

What tale awaits us this time? What adventures lie in store? Well, for starters, our hint for this month is:

Chest Spirit
What’s small and magical and red all over?

Yes, another fantasy story. What a surprise. Deal with it! And be prepared to learn why Magic Is Friendship!

Continue reading “Final Week Fables: Magic Is Friendship”