Fabletop: The Death Tax

This is not a spell where you can raise a holy symbol and have your deity pay the cost for you.

Doesn’t matter how tough or swift you made your character. Doesn’t matter what sort of broken, overpowered, totally legal character builds you’ve prepared.

Eventually, bad rolls are going to catch up to you. Eventually, you will bite off more than you can chew (alright, that one is more like “immediately” for most players). Or perhaps, and this is a BIG perhaps, you might be roleplaying character development and having your character give their life for a higher cause.

But mostly you die because of failed dice rolls and overwhelming force and/or numbers.

An Aasimar paladin-druid delivers a divine smite in beast form.

So, what happens when we die? Theologians and scientists will give you all sorts of answers and criteria for considering that question, but thankfully for gamers, games have had more solid rules. Let’s look at them, shall we?

Continue reading “Fabletop: The Death Tax”

Final Week Fables: Does It Make A Sound?

“I was created with the ability to find humour at the expense of others. Personally, I find it quite fulfilling.”

Had a bunch of medium-to-big jobs, so took me longer to get over writer’s block. But here I am with another monthly short story! And the picture inspiring this yarn is:

Fey Guide.jpg

Contrary to all indications, the jolly green giant above does not mean that this is a Shrek fanfiction.

Continue reading “Final Week Fables: Does It Make A Sound?”