Just Write: Month 24, Week 2, and CRITICAL ROLE POLITICS!

Alright. That’s my position: Critical Role, why not speak up for Hong Kong?

Nope, no ‘publishable’ progress. I’m taking it easy with fanfiction, folks!

Also, I express OPINIONS!

…What do you mean nobody reads this blog for OPINIONS?

I know what I’ll do! I’ll use a CLICKBAIT TITLE!




Continue reading “Just Write: Month 24, Week 2, and CRITICAL ROLE POLITICS!”

Fabletop Re-Review: Critical Role, Crit Harder

tl;dr: They’re basically the Keanu Reeves of D&D.

Welcome to (a review of) Critical Role, the show where a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors play Dungeons and Dragons!

…Yes, I already talked about it. No, this is not a rerun!

It’s worse: It’s a clip show retrospective.

Continue reading “Fabletop Re-Review: Critical Role, Crit Harder”

Fabletop Classes: Monk He See, Monk He Do

Much like real martial arts, you’re taught that violence and self-defence are a last resort.

They are armed with steel armour, battleaxes, military training.

You are armed with your bare hands.

Then it is an even fight.

Welcome to the Monk class, student. Your journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Continue reading “Fabletop Classes: Monk He See, Monk He Do”

Fabletop Review: Critical Role

Like the difference between watching a streamer play a game for its campaign mode, and watching a streamer play the Legend Rank multiplayer build.

Even with video. Even with the internet. Even with game streaming. Who would have EVER thought to put Dungeons & Dragons online? I mean, who would want to watch people roll dice, play at acting, and discuss rules instead of playing online card games and gladiatorial shooting grounds?

Turns out, quite a lot of people, if Critical Role’s 115+ episodes of their first season are anything to go by.

Continue reading “Fabletop Review: Critical Role”

Fabletop: Mastering Dungeon Mastering

Consider if there’s a way to make that stupid idea of detonating a barrel of alcohol to rocket jump work. Or if the Bard can, in fact, end the boss encounter because he rolled a 20 to seduce with his songs.

This week, I’ll be branching out into another of my interests: Tabletop roleplaying games, and the guys that run them! Also, an attempt at naming a post series!

True, D&D and its ilk have long endured, and have been getting more and more accessible and popular. We’re no strangers to the concept, and certainly, there are sites and video series which are dedicated to tabletop gaming, but consider this a crash course for newbies, told from the perspective of a fellow relative newbie as opposed to someone with a lifetime of D&D editions and Pathfinder homebrews. I always had an interest, but grew up in a time of electronic gaming and a lack of dedicated groups. Add to that my current state as someone who reluctantly adults the adulting of the adulty adult world, and I can, as always, speak as someone who has to deal with everyday life and its responsibilities.

Some DMs carry on well into their golden years.

Maybe you know nothing about it, or you’ve heard about it but don’t get it. Or you might even be a frequent player and want to try running a game yourself, seeing what it’s like to be in the driver’s seat. You might even be a card carrying DM. Either way, let’s roll initiative and get started! …What do you mean you’re the ONLY one around to take a turn? …What do you mean I can’t make you roll against other readers on the internet? …What do you mean I’m asking useless questions for things nobody actually thinks? Silly, that’s how the internet works!

Continue reading “Fabletop: Mastering Dungeon Mastering”